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Scottsdale Tips

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago


Scottsdale Tips


If you have any information about Scottsdale to share with others, please add it here. Add an asterisk (*) followed by a space and your information.


  1. Here are some good Websites to learn more about Scottsdale and the metro Phoenix area.
    1. Scottsdale Convention and Visitors' Bureau
    2. City of Scottsdale Official Website
    3. Phoenix New Times - an alternative weekly
    4. Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors' Bureau
    5. Wikipedia page for Scottsdale
    6. Scottsdale.com
    7. Scottsdale City Guide
  2. The Arizona Visitor's Guide is also a good place to find information about the state.
  3. It's not exactly Scottsdale, but Arizona State University in Tempe has the Herberger College of Fine Arts with an art gallery and theatre events.



Scottsdale, AZ by Jim Felder


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